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TLCA / About

The Turtle Lake Chain Association is an enthusiastic and engaged group of people who share a love for our three-lake chain, a passion for maintaining its cleanliness and beauty, and an interest in promoting a vibrant community spirit among our lake friends and neighbors. We're dedicated to protecting our lakes from invasive species, maintaining our water quality , keeping our chain safe and welcoming, and getting together, getting to know each other, and having a lot of fun. We're NOT a political organization and don't take positions on anything beyond the quality of lakes and quality of life on the Turtle Chain. 

TLCA membership has its benefits — 
here's why you should join!

Why become a TLCA member? Here are just a few reasons (there's more where these came from):



The Turtle Chain is one of the cleanest, healthiest lakes in Wisconsin (as revealed in a comprehensive lake study conducted in 2017 - 2018).  Whether you like to boat, fish, paddle, ski, wildlife-watch, swim, sunbathe or all of the above, it’s a beautiful place —and your membership helps keep it that way.  



By taking advantage of our volunteer opportunities, and supporting our conservation endeavors with your membership dues, you make a tremendously positive impact on this very special place, help protect and maintain our water quality (and your property investment), and keep this aquatic jewel of the northwoods shining for generations to come! 



We’ve got some wonderful people on the Chain (who occasionally throw some wonderful parties).  The TLCA’s annual meeting, volunteer opportunities, July Fun Day events and social gatherings are great times to get to know fellow friends of our lakes — and make some great friendships along the way. 



What could be more fun than joining your new TLCA friends for fun days, fishing tourneys, volunteering and assorted fun? How about doing it without any drama? Our purpose is protecting and preserving our lakes — not politics. We don’t take a stand on any issue that doesn’t directly impact our quality of water and quality of life on the lakes. 



Joining up is a modest $60, which covers you for three years. All membership dues go towards funding our lake quality, conservation, reserve fund and membership communication efforts. 








Thank you for your interest, and welcome aboard! 

Joining is easy — click on the link below!


If you can spare a few minutes, there are worthwhile and fun ways of getting involved and contributing to the great quality of life we enjoy on the Chain. Please check this page for the latest opportunities to sign up and make a positive difference. Thank you! 

TBD, 2022


Volunteers are needed to help keep our area looking wonderful, and many hands make quick work! We'll park on the gravel of Old O at the junction of New O and Old O. While our focus is County Highway O, if we have enough people, we can also send some to North Star Lake Road and work both sides of the road. Meeting time: 10:45; we should be done by noon. If the weather is awful, we will use Saturday as the rain date. High visibility vests and bags are provided. You may want to bring gloves. Use the button here to sign-up, and please call Laura Giffin with any questions. (920) 279-0182. 

Sign Up Here!

May 30, 2022 - October 18, 2022


Flower boxes on the bridge ("the divide") between North and South Turtle Lakes should be up around Memorial Day. We all love the life and color they provide to all who pass by, and your help is needed to keep them healthy as long as possible into the fall. We're asking for volunteers to sign up for one-week watering duty (you can sign up for as many weeks as you want!) between Memorial Day and mid-October. Please sign up using the button here - and thank you for your help!


By keeping a sharp eye out while boating, fishing, kayaking, hiking along the shore, etc.  The PDFs (below photo) can help you identify both good and invasive species, so feel free to download them and keep them handy!  Secondly, you can also inspect boats for invasive species as they arrive at our boat landings. This volunteer work does require some basic instruction first; please watch this page and special emails from our president regarding upcoming sessions. Please use the CBCW Inspection Report form to record your time.

By keeping a sharp eye out while boating, fishing, kayaking, hiking along the shore, etc.  The PDFs (below photo) can help you identify both good and invasive species, so feel free to download them and keep them handy!  Secondly, you can also inspect boats for invasive species as they arrive at our boat landings. This volunteer work does require some basic instruction first; please watch this page and special emails from our president regarding upcoming sessions. Please use the CBCW Inspection Report form to record your time.



To help protect our chain against invasive species, print out the four PDFs in the NEWSSTAND section below (under "Invasive Species Guides") and keep them handy.  Then keep a sharp eye out while boating, fishing, kayaking or hiking along the shore. 



If you can spare a few minutes, there are worthwhile and fun ways of getting involved and contributing to the great quality of life we enjoy on the Chain. Please check this page for the latest opportunities to sign up and make a positive difference. Thank you! 

May 24, 4:00 PM, intersection of old Hwy O and new Hwy O 


Volunteers are needed to help keep our area looking wonderful, and many hands make quick work! We'll park on the gravel of Old O at the junction of New O and Old O. While our focus is County Highway O, if we have enough people, we can also send some to North Star Lake Road and work both sides of the road. Meeting time: 4 pm; we should be done by 5:30 - 6:00 pm. If the weather is awful, we will use Saturday as the rain date. High visibility vests and bags are provided. You may want to bring gloves. Use the button here to sign-up, and call Laura Giffin with any questions. (920) 279-0182. 

May 25, 2024 - October 20, 2024


Flower boxes on the bridge ("the divide") between North and South Turtle Lakes should be up around Memorial Day. We all love the life and color they provide to all who pass by, and your help is needed to keep them healthy as long as possible into the fall. We're asking for volunteers to sign up for one-week watering duty (you can sign up for as many weeks as you want!) between Memorial Day and mid-October. Please sign up using the button here - and thank you for your help!




To help protect our chain against invasive species, print out the four PDFs in the RESOURCES section below (under "Invasive Species Guides") and keep them handy.  Then keep a sharp eye out while boating, fishing, kayaking or hiking along the shore. 




You can also inspect boats for invasive species as they arrive at our boat landings. This volunteer work does require some basic instruction first; please watch this page and special emails from our president regarding upcoming sessions. Please use the CBCW Inspection Report form (see "Volunteer Forms" in the RESOURCES section below) to record your time.




TLCA / Governance

The TLCA is governed by a three-member board and six lake representatives (two from each lake in the chain). Terms are two years in duration; elections are held as needed at the Annual Meeting. Current board members, representatives and their contact information are listed below. If you wish to run for a position, please notify Emil Bertalot or Laura Giffin at least one week before the Annual Meeting. 

Emil Bertalot


I've been on South Turtle Lake since 2009, when I bought a scenic spot on the eastern shore. While my permanent home (for now) is in Middleton, Wisconsin, I spend as much time as possible here, and frequently work out of my cabin office, otherwise known as the dining room table.  I enjoy the chain in all seasons, for swimming, kayaking and boating, fall colors, snowshoeing and wildlife-watching, and even mud month!  I'm proud of the Turtle Chain and strive to do my part to protect and preserve it. 


Contact Emil via email by clicking here. 

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Tom Rued

Vice President, South Turtle Lake representative

My wife Julie and I built our home on South Turtle in 2007.  We are both optometrists from Neenah, WI.  Our son Cory recently graduated as an optometrist and is taking over our interest in the practice. One of our young patients calls our practice "the one with all the RUED doctors!" Our daughter Nicole graduated UW Eau Claire and is considering grad school as a speech pathologist. We are enjoying our transformation from weekend warriors to full time TLC residents.  I belong to the Lions Club and have served on the TLCA board for several years. And yes, I have had "musky fever" for 40 years.  I call it a sport, Julie calls it a disease! 


 Our chain is a special place and we are fortunate to have a very active lake association concerned with keeping our lakes beautiful and healthy for future generations.

Contact Tom via email by clicking here. 

Laura Giffin


Monty (one of your North Turtle Lake representatives; you'll see him below) and I are from Oshkosh, but every summer we're happy to call North Turtle Lake "home."  We've been happy property owners on Priest Point since the early 1990s. We love the outdoors and you'll usually find us cycling or paddling our kayaks around the Chain.


Contact Laura via email by clicking here or call 920.279.0182.

Jim Hochstetter


Long-time TLCA member Jim Hochsetter took on the role of Treasurer in January of 2024.  


Contact Jim via email by clicking here. 

Gary Engstrom

Rock Lake representative

My family has been on Rock Lake since 1958.  I became a permanent resident here in January of 2016, and enjoy fishing, golf, biking and cross country skiing. I'm a chemist with a 40-year career in water treatment and environmental management research and development. 


Contact Gary via email by clicking here or calling 715.686.2582

Steve Budnik

Rock Lake representative

I'm a retired manufacturing real estate appraiser and a career Army reservist, having served 28 years. We've lived here full-time for eight years. I'm currently serving as a Town of Winchester Supervisor, president of the Vilas County Lakes and Rivers Association, and as a Rock Lake representative. When I'm able to break away from those duties, you'll usually find me fishing or trapshooting.


Contact Steve via email by clicking here or call 715.686.7852.

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Sue Esslinger

North Turtle Lake representative

Gee (the TLCA's treasurer and my husband) and I love our cabin on North Turtle Lake and the joy of sharing it with family and friends. When we're not hosting, I enjoy nature photography, gardening, exploring and reading. I'm a passionate conservationist and horticulturist, and one of my favorite pastimes is watching the wind dance across the lake's surface. I've been a North Turtle Lake board representative since 2015. 


Contact Sue via email by clicking here. 

Matt Ydl

North Turtle Lake representative

Photo and bio to come.


Contact Matt via email by clicking here. 

Mike Judge

South Turtle Lake representative

Photo and bio to come. 


Contact Mike via email by clicking here. 

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